FAQ’s – Do you have any questions?

Answers to frequently asked questions can be found here

If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, we’ll be happy to help you personally.

Every event has a specific objective – be it a company event, private celebration, seminar or wedding. Dealing with this is the core competence of the event manager. It is important to consider the big picture but also many details and all the little things. From conception & organization to execution & reflection. We – as event managers – have the experience for this. And we can advise you on all aspects of the event (see AZ), choose cooperation partners with you and negotiate with these terms and conditions. In addition, we accompany the event ourselves on site.

You don’t have to think about the details yourself – we will give you ideas and suggestions. The goal work is important.

You don’t have to spend your valuable time researching and negotiating – we have the appropriate network (regional, national and international) and the negotiating skills for this – and you are free to do your actual work. choose and negotiate with these terms and conditions.

You can look forward to your event calmly and enjoy it as a host or guest. We also take care of all matters on site.

With us you have a partner who weighs up all eventualities, prevents any problems as well as possible, does not allow them to arise and most importantly: should something unforeseen occur despite everything, we react quickly and actively.

The costs are of course based on your budget. If you have not yet thought about the costs, we would be happy to work out a budget together with you. The costs for the event management are based on the corresponding effort and are discussed in detail in advance so that there are no surprises later. But you have definitely won – you save time, stress and money!

Almost the best question: yes, because we are the “best”: no, without overestimating ourselves – we actually have a lot of experience, really know what is important and what to look out for, have already experienced a lot – we know the area and its businesses & our cooperation partners like the back of our hand and very important for you – we handle your event with care.

For us, it is actually best to accompany an event from beginning to end: this includes the target work, the conception, budget preparation and management, research, the selection and negotiation with the various cooperation partners from A to Z, (e.g. location, caterer , Side events, CI-compliant stationery, shuttles up to any giveaways), scheduling and monitoring, as well as communication and briefings. The most important thing, however, is above all the support and support during the event itself. To know that professionals act in your interests, who know about the red thread of the event, are the contact persons for you and your guests / participants and always have a plan B in their pocket.

Post-processing, billing and feedback are also part of our service. This is always not possible due to the costs – we know that: of course, we also offer partial packages in exceptional cases.

The sooner the better! Preparation takes time and the more you and we have for it, the more guaranteed success is. So don’t be afraid to inquire very early on and talk to us without obligation for the time being.

Our good network, which has grown over the years, and the experience of our team allow us to draw on the full: whether target specifications, motto selection, location scouting, as well as the many, many details that lead to a successful event: You can relax and pursue your activities, we coordinate with you and take care of everything else!

Just like the motto:

We put your event in the limelight.